Design News
Making Websites Beta
It has occurred to me that many sites bear the word beta in their logo or banner. Today I stumbled across three maybe four in a row. This got me thinking and inspired me to comment on the concept of beta.
Markup As A Craft
The quality of your markup will affect the quality of related code, and even the cost of implementing or maintaining that code. Your markup might be good now, but following the guidelines in this article will help bring it to the next level.
Mark Cuban on “the suit”
Maverick Mark says "Why I Don’t Wear a Suit and Can’t Figure Out Why Anyone Does."
New W3C HTML Working Group chaired by Microsoft
The W3C has chartered a new HTML Working Group to reinvent HTML
Cut Your Coding Time
David Heinemeier Hansson (37Signals & Ruby on Rails) discusses how Ruby on Rails makes coding easier, quicker and happier
Ruby Basics
In this valuable primer to Ruby, Geoff covers everything you need to know to get rockin' with Ruby
Web Design Freelancers: The Psychology of your Rate
The question I get asked most from fellow freelancers is, "how do you determine your rate"?